Entrepreneurs Rising

Transform Your Business Journey with 'Entrepreneurs Rising'

Are you committed to scaling your professional services business beyond the million-dollar mark? Tired of juggling everything alone? It's time to join 'Entrepreneurs Rising' – an exclusive, six-month mastermind program led by executive performance coach Andy Hite, designed for ambitious entrepreneurs like you.

Who We Welcome: Our mastermind is ideal for professional services business owners across various sectors, such as consulting, marketing, law, and finance, especially those in the pivotal 1-5 year growth phase. If you're poised to transition from working in your business to working on it, 'Entrepreneurs Rising' is the perfect launchpad for you.

Your Transformation Awaits

Skyrocket Your Business: In 'Entrepreneurs Rising,' participants have not only doubled and tripled their revenue but have also achieved this growth with reduced stress. This is about more than just increasing numbers; it's about smart, sustainable expansion. You'll gain strategies for growing your team effectively, hiring the right staff to support and amplify your business's growth. We'll explore ways to diversify your offerings, adding new products and services that align with your core mission and market demand. With 'Entrepreneurs Rising,' you're not just scaling your business; you're elevating every aspect of it.

Elevate Your Leadership: You'll embark on a journey that transcends traditional leadership development. We focus on nurturing not just your professional skills but also your visionary capacity. Our approach is tailored to help you emerge as a skilled leader who not only excels in today's dynamic business environment but also shapes the future of your field.

Personal Breakthroughs: This mastermind isn't just about business growth; it's about personal transformation. We understand that personal barriers can often be the biggest hurdles in a professional journey. This program is designed to help you identify, confront, and overcome these challenges. Whether it's self-doubt, work-life balance issues, or any other internal obstacles, you'll gain insights and tools to tackle them head-on. Through personalized coaching, peer support, and introspective exercises, you'll develop a stronger sense of self-awareness and resilience. This journey will empower you to break through the mental and emotional blocks that have been limiting your potential, paving the way for not just professional success, but a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Program Highlights

Duration: 'Entrepreneurs Rising' spans an intensive six months, designed for deep, impactful development. Many members find the experience so valuable that they choose to enroll in subsequent cohorts, continuing their growth and leveraging the strong network they've built.

Mastermind Sessions: Each month, you'll participate in two 90-minute sessions that are more than just meetings; they're incubators for growth and innovation. These sessions provide a platform for you to collaborate with peers, share challenges, and gain diverse perspectives. It's an opportunity to deep dive into problem-solving, brainstorming, and strategic planning, all within a supportive and confidential environment. You'll leave each session not only with fresh insights and actionable strategies but also with a renewed sense of motivation and clarity about your business direction.

Ongoing Support: Beyond the mastermind sessions, benefit from monthly office hours and an active Slack community. These office hours, scheduled between each mastermind session, offer you the chance to receive spot coaching and additional support tailored to your immediate needs. Whether it's tackling a pressing challenge, refining a strategy, or maintaining momentum, this continuous support ensures you're always moving forward. The vibrant Slack community serves as your daily touchpoint for sharing successes, seeking advice, and staying connected with your cohort, fostering a sense of camaraderie and collective growth.

Success Stories

Admira, Kare CFOs: "Andy's coaching was pivotal in doubling our revenue and transforming our business structure."

Paige, Shine Thru Branding: "Andy's guidance was instrumental in the brave steps that led to my current success."

Step into Your Growth

Exclusivity: 'Entrepreneurs Rising' maintains its high impact through an exclusive, invitation-only approach. This ensures each cohort is a carefully curated group of like-minded individuals, fostering a more personalized and intimate experience that's conducive to profound personal and professional growth.

Investment: Joining 'Entrepreneurs Rising' requires an investment of $6,000, a commitment to your personal and professional growth and development. Payment plans are available.

Take the Leap!

Don't miss your chance to be part of this transformative experience. Limited spots available. Reach out now to start your application process and embark on a journey of unprecedented business growth and personal development.

Continuous Support

Unlike other masterminds, E.R. provides 1-1 coaching in addition to the mastermind calls. Sometimes we may know what to do but don’t seem to do it in a meaningful way. We have you covered here too. Through coaching we can illuminate your blind spots and remove the obstacles they create.


One of the biggest benefits of joining Entrepreneurs Rising is accountability. When you set a goal and share it with your board, you are more likely to follow through and achieve it. Your very own board of directors will have your back and provide support and encouragement as you work towards your goals. This accountability can be a powerful motivator and can help you achieve more than you would on your own.


In this group you will be surrounded by like-minded business owners who are also working towards their own goals. These individuals will be there to offer support and encouragement when you face challenges or setbacks. They can also provide advice and suggestions based on their own experiences, helping you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals more quickly.


One thing I hear all the time from small business owners is how lonely it can feel. Here you’ll be surrounded by your very own board of directors. There is a slack group for you to be in constant contact with your peers. Connections within the group seem to be happening daily. You’re never alone.


The other members of your group come from different backgrounds, have different experiences and businesses, and approach problems in different ways. By sharing your ideas and challenges with these individuals, you will be exposed to new ideas and perspectives that can help you approach problems in new and innovative ways.

Increased knowledge

We will be talking a lot about the fundamentals of running a successful business. Members of your group will have knowledge or expertise in areas that you are not familiar with. By sharing this knowledge and expertise, you can expand your own knowledge and skills, improving your ability to achieve your goals and succeed in your personal and professional life.

Improved decision-

Making important decisions can be challenging, especially when you are faced with multiple options or uncertain outcomes. Your E. R. board of directors can help you make better decisions by providing a sounding board for your ideas and challenges. The other members of your group can offer feedback and suggestions that can help you make more informed decisions and avoid common pitfalls.

Increased confidence

E. R. Will no doubt help you build confidence as a business owner. As you achieve your goals and receive support and encouragement from your fellow members, you will begin to believe in your own abilities and strengths. This increased confidence can help you take on new challenges and opportunities with greater ease and success. It happens with everyone.


I can all but guarantee results for those that come a play full out for the duration.

Your time is now!

"This Mastermind has been one of the greatest discoveries and investments I have ever made. I would happily and confidently recommend Andy to other entrepreneurs who are ready to push themselves to the next level." Dijana of Maredi Desings

Space is very LIMITED



"Working with Andy has been a game-changer. If you're wondering if this coaching thing can work... I'd highly recommend a conversation with Andy."

Working with Andy has been a game-changer. I was always curious about whether or not coaching was something I could benefit from. I decided to take the leap with Andy. He has the ability to bring things to the surface that I needed to see (and may have been avoiding searching for) then coach and hold me accountable on how to grow as a leader, husband, father, friend etc. If you’re wondering if this coaching thing can work…I’d highly recommend a conversation with Andy.

Jared G., VP of Growth & Marketing, Empower HR

“It is through Andy’s understanding, reflection, challenge, commitment, and humanity that I feel more assured as a person than I ever have. He's magical.”

I was skeptical about the 'coaching' thing. I think for many of us we think of it as a cheerleader of life, somehow set to give us purpose. this isn't the case. Andy helped me understand that all I ever needed was within me. He is the catalyst not the cause. It is through his understanding, reflection, challenge, commitment, and humanity that I feel more assured as a person than I ever have. I needed to have or feel part of a journey. Andy walked beside me so I could understand I was already in the right direction.....just in need of a few clearer landmarks to help me in my growth. Use him. I did not think I would need the change I found because of his excellence and devotion to the human spirit. He's magical.

Dr. S. Sowinski, Director of HAPA, City Schools of Hammond

“If you’re looking for coaching with worksheets, homework, and a sense of babysitting - I suggest you keep scrolling. If you’re looking for transformative, life-changing, eye-opening, human-centered leadership guidance, support, and accountability, now this is why you’re here!”-

My work with Andy came at just the right time. I was feeling stuck, even paralyzed, with indecision about how to move forward with my organization. Our time together revitalized my mission – as a businesswoman AND as a human. His calm, kind, encouraging demeanor makes it easy to talk to him, confront the big stuff, and find tangible ways to move forward. This work with Andy was one of the best investments I’ve made for my organization and myself. The organization is structurally sounder than it was when we started, and I have a rejuvenated sense of purpose and delight in the work that I do.

CJ Walstrom, Marketing Leader in the Digital Marketing space

"There was an immediate connection to Andy. I felt like I was speaking to a wise, judgment-free friend who was ready to support me on any challenge that I had.”

I completed a 6-month coaching journey with Andy a few months ago, and it was a truly great experience. The growth that occurred in a short period of time was tremendous, however, having had some time to step away and reflect on the entire experience, I now see an even greater value than I initially thought.

It all started with a casual call, which quickly turned into me sharing ‘all the things.’ There was an immediate connection to Andy. I felt like I was speaking to a wise, judgment-free friend who was ready to support me on any challenge that I had. Not only did I like him, but his coaching style resonated. He made it easy to open up, share my deepest desires, and be totally vulnerable.

Through a series of questions, discussions, exercises, and assignments, I could work through some long time personal and professional struggles. When I wanted to move quickly, we did. When I wanted to slow down, we did. Andy was truly there to support me and arm me with tools that help evaluate, reflect, calm, motivate, access, etc... I joke about it, but I am now well stocked with a ‘box’ of Andy’s tools that I will, without a doubt, continue to use daily. Investing in myself wasn’t an easy decision for me, but choosing Andy was. I feel grateful to have had this experience and to have Andy in my corner.

Sandra S., Candor Threads, VP of Business Development

"I highly recommend coaching with Andy!"

Working with Andy was my first coaching experience. I signed up unsure of what to expect and felt skeptical, given I could not measure the ROI. I am so glad that I did! His coaching made a powerful, positive shift in my mindset that allows me to embrace the adventure of life in a self-empowering way. Our work expanded my universe of fun and possibility and moved me beyond a limiting inner monologue towards one that embraces experimentation and the unknown while having fun. Andy’s coaching was a powerful thaw. His authenticity is inspiring and has allowed me to be a more authentic person and more in touch with myself and the people around me. I highly recommend coaching with Andy!

Jesse P., CFO, SourceScrub

"His commitment to his clients makes me grateful to have connected with him as my personal coach."

Andy, with his caring, intuitive coaching, and constant support quickly helped me discover what was holding me back from living my best life. He is a gifted listener who truly understood me and what I was trying to convey, even when I wasn’t totally clear. Because of his natural ability to create a safe space I was able to open up immediately, which made the whole process go quicker than expected and was exceptionally meaningful. I now have clarity and I know how to continue growing and being the best version of my authentic-self. I also know that when I’m not, Andy will be there to pick up right where we left off. His commitment to his clients makes me grateful to have connected with him as my personal coach.

Amy M., School Board President

"I can't say enough about how beautifully and profoundly my life, both professionally and personally, has been transformed due to Andy's enlightened, affirmative, and direct coaching approach."

Through Andy's highly attuned coaching skills, my life has been transformed in such a positive and impactful way. From the start, Andy saw me, heard me, and believed in the powerful person I am. He was encouraging, motivating, and innovative.  Andy stood for me in championing my goals.  I can't say enough about how beautifully and profoundly my life, both professionally and personally, has been transformed due to Andy's enlightened, affirmative, and direct coaching approach. I would have paid twice as much for Andy's coaching to move from where I was to where I am today.  I am so very grateful and blessed to have worked with Andy. 

Sarah D., Director, PWC

“Working with Andy was extremely helpful for my development.”

His ability to ask quality questions and listen intensely allowed me to explore situations that would have been quite difficult to think through without an external perspective. I found it refreshing that he never claimed to know best but was always curious to see what we could both discover was true.

Joseph R., AVP, IP Lending Solutions, Aon


Truly a great experience working with Andy. His coaching style is just what I needed to get through some challenges and struggles I was facing. I was not sure what to expect when I started working with him but what I got out of it was so much more. He helped me turn off the "noise" and focus on what was important...me!

Jen H, Senior Director


As a former skeptic of coaching, I have Andy Hite to thank for helping me see clearly how coaching played a pivotal role in improving my overall quality of life.

As a full-time working mom of two with experience and exposure to therapy, mentors, etc., Andy stood out differently as a trusted sounding board, leader, and guide to helping me identify what I needed (and deserved) to change and improve in my day-to-day living.

The personal and professional growth that Andy has helped me achieve has been priceless and instrumental in my daily approach to life, love, and overall happiness. Thank you for opening up my eyes "to possibility!"

Cori R., Director, Fresenius Kabi USA


In our year working together, Andy Hite has transformed my leadership.

In the 15 years I’ve been leading teams, I’ve found the same challenges showing up for me over and over again. I’ve read countless leadership books, listened to podcasts and attended trainings, but it wasn’t until working with Andy that I was able to finally overcome the barriers preventing me from integrating the tools to become the leader I was hoping to be. Andy will push you when you’re stuck, and show kindness and compassion when you need a friend. Investing in Andy is one of the best decisions you can make to grow your leadership and your business!

Debra Giunta, CEO The Brainchild Collective

“While I saw tangible business results such as revenue growth and increased profitability, the even bigger takeaway was the transformation I saw in myself to show up in a different capacity, both as a leader and in my personal life.”

Working with Andy was the most holistic approach to leadership coaching I’ve ever experienced.

While the takeaways from my time working with Andy were certainly tangible in business metrics such as goal setting, forecasting, revenue growth, and profitability, honestly, that isn’t even half of what I got out of this experience. The bigger opportunity and one many leaders struggle with, was receiving unwavering support to face fears of doing something differently than you’ve done it before and giving yourself the space to get out of your own way. That’s right. YOU are the problem, and Andy is the brilliant guru that knows how to identify the self-imposed barriers you placed to help you see them, disassemble them, and build new roads to places you’ve never been with tools you’ve never used or didn’t know you had.

If this sounds different than the work you’ve done in the past, you’re right. I cannot emphasize enough the overall growth, value, and transformation I felt from our time working together and now as I implement my findings and learnings into future growth. Thank you, always, Andy. I’m forever grateful for this experience and will be reaching out again as I climb the next summit.

CJ Walstrom, Founder, Digital Marketing & Social Media Leader

I highly recommend hiring Andy to help you get through your next challenge, to help you achieve the next great thing, and to help you become a better version of yourself. I promise he will do great things and help you elevate to a level you thought was impossible.‍

I highly recommend hiring Andy to help you get through your next challenge, to help you achieve the next great thing, and to help you become a better version of yourself. I promise he will do great things and help you elevate to a level you thought was impossible.

Sagar Pandya, Founder of DrivnCyber and Middleground IT

I've worked with a number of coaches over the years, but Andy, hands down, stands out as the most powerful and profound among them.

Andy's approach involves deep internal work. He guided me through confronting aspects of myself that I was hesitant to face, yet this process proved to be incredibly beneficial for both my personal growth and my company's success. With Andy's help, I managed to transform my business from a state of no profit to achieving a net profit of over 20%. This remarkable turnaround can be attributed to the work we did together, addressing and overcoming the obstacles that were holding me back. Andy helped me reconcile with different facets of myself, enabling me to become a more proactive and effective leader.

This transformation has not only improved our bottom line but also positively affected my relationships with my employees and my family. Without a doubt, I give Andy and Scaling Minds Coaching & Consulting a five-star rating. If any of this resonates with you, I encourage you to take the leap and work with Andy.

Matt Kuehlhorn, CEO Kooler Garage Doors

Andy was my first coach, and it was a great experience to have his level of support during one of the toughest years of my entrepreneurial journey.

Andy helped me talk through both internal and external factors of my organization that I needed to confront and make thoughtful decisions about. During a time that felt chaotic, Andy was a great resource for understanding the perspectives of other entrepreneurs who have had similar experiences and how to walk away with a solution or something to work on. I appreciated his understanding of both the business side and the emotional side that comes with being a leader.

Priya Shah, CEO The Simple Good

Andy helped me navigate my way back to a point of success.

I met Andy just before a pivotal point in my career. He helped me dig myself out of a hole. At this point in my life/career I felt as if I was a complete failure and Andy helped me navigate my way back to a point of success. I seriously do not think I would be where I am at today if it wasn't for Andy's help.

Cody Vaughn, CEO Archer Electrical Contracting Co.

"I've been growing and making progress in every goal and intention I set at the beginning of this, if not already exceeding where I thought I would be at this point."

Before starting coaching with Andy, I knew I was in a place where I needed to make a lot of changes, and I wasn’t sure how to get there. I had recently switched career paths, and while I felt like I was going in the right direction I wasn’t feeling very confident in myself, and I was wracked with worry about being good enough or doing the “right” things. I’ve been so grateful for Andy’s insight and guidance. I truly can’t imagine these last six months without our frequent check-ins. I’ve been growing and making progress in every goal and intention I set at the beginning of this, if not already exceeding where I thought I would be at this point. It’s hard to describe the changes, but for me it’s been made up of small daily decisions and practices and mindset shifts, and it’s making a world of difference. Thank you Andy for everything!!

Ariana A., Entrepreneur, High-End Stylist and Fashion Consultant

"I could never have pictured the life I'm living right now, and I owe so much of the bravery involved in making each step happen to Andy's gentle but powerful coaching."

Andy’s coaching is thoughtful, intelligent, fun, and ENTIRELY focused on YOU, which leads to game-changing results. Six months ago, I could never have pictured the life I’m living right now, and I owe so much of the bravery involved in making each step happen to Andy’s gentle but powerful coaching. Anyone hungry to uplevel their life owes it to themselves to hop on a call with him. Just freaking do it. You’ll be happy you did.

Paige W., Founder, Shine Thru

"The work has been absolutely transformational to me and my business. I would happily and confidently recommend Andy to other entrepreneurs who are ready to push themselves to the next level"

I love everything about the time I have gotten to share with Andy during our sessions. I have been lucky enough to have some one-on-one sessions as well as participate in one of his Mastermind groups. The work has been absolutely transformational to me and my business. The insight I have gained to be a more thoughtful and composed entrepreneur is invaluable. Andy is willing to meet you at whichever level you are at and only encourages you to think big and let go of inhibitions. I would happily and confidently recommend Andy to other entrepreneurs who are ready to push themselves to the next level.

Dijana S., Co-Founder & Managing Director at Maredi

Andy is great! He is a tremendous listener and truly gets to the heart of the problem and, more importantly, the possibilities. Every time I talk with him, I learn something about myself and things I can be doing better. If you want to achieve more, you should talk with Andy. I highly recommend him as a coach.

Michael W., Optimal Approach, LLC

"If you allow Andy in and work with him to achieve (fill in the blank) you’ll be asking yourself, ‘why didn’t I do this sooner!’"

Andy helped me flesh out my ideas and gain perspective on how to move past a few blocks I was facing in the creative process. Talking with him helped me visualize how to overcome those blocks and put my ideas into motion. I’m so thankful for Andy’s insight. He’s a super easy guy to talk with – he can conceptualize the high level, 50,000 foot view and he can also get down and dirty in the creative trenches – he’s a powerhouse!

Before working with Andy, I felt like I was 80% of the way there, but I just couldn’t move forward because I couldn’t see the path and I was afraid of failing, to be honest. Then, Andy and I spoke and it was like all of a sudden, things connected. The lights in the room got a little brighter, the ideas started flowing!

You may have reservations about baring your soul to someone, rightfully so. You may fear shining a light on your issues because, let’s face it, that’s painful and it’s hard to hear criticisms about your self/process/ideas. If allow Andy in and work with him to achieve (fill in the blank) you’ll be asking yourself, ‘why didn’t I do this sooner?!'

Chris V., Entrepreneur

“Andy will always be my coach and my friend. You will not be disappointed if you choose to have him walk alongside you.”

As an entrepreneur and business executive, here are my non-negotiables when choosing a coach to work with: 1.) one that desires to know me, just as I am. 2.) someone that listens first every time, not coming with an agenda. 3.) someone that asks excellent questions, primarily focused on what I want and need or desire to create. 4.) one who pairs love with challenge, drawing me back to my desire for action that will propel me toward my dreams. 5.) someone who shares open and honest about his or her own life, but not to compare or shame, rather to bond together in the shared human experience. 6.) someone who exhibits a depth of care but doesn’t accept excuses. 7.) one who draws me back to the good in the world, in others, and especially in myself. Andy is all of these things and many more. Andy will always be my coach and my friend. In my time with him, I beat back self-doubt, I’m more confident in resting in the reality that my worth is not tied to my performance, and I’ve stepped into courage more boldly, bringing both confidence and creativity (and business growth). I’m thankful for Andy. You will not be disappointed if you choose to have him walk alongside you.

BJ S., Entrepreneur & Director of Sales, AV Chicago

If you're a motivated entrepreneur or business owner looking for top-notch coaching, I wholeheartedly recommend Andy Hite Coaching, LLC.

As an entrepreneur in need of guidance, I found Andy Hite Coaching to be a game-changer for my business and personal mindset. I was on the lookout for a top coaching firm in Chicago and came across Andy through Entrepreneur's Organization. I decided to give it a try, and I can confidently say it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Not only did he help me align my business goals with my values, but he also provided invaluable insights and practical tools to improve my headspace when running a business. I now approach my business with greater confidence and clarity, and I couldn't be more grateful for the transformation I've experienced.

His personalized, results-driven approach is bound to help you unlock your full potential and achieve the life and success you desire.

Chris G, Founder & CEO, Great Lakes Advisory

"Great news! I now have a successful business! I highly recommend working with Andy!"

Starting a brand new business can be scary and intimidating. Before deciding to work with Andy, I literally had NO money coming in, and I was very skeptical of the time commitment required. I signed on anyway. Great news! I NOW HAVE A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS! And, I have gained so much confidence in myself. So Much Confidence! What else can I say? I can’t think of anything I’d change! Our work together was terrific, and I’m very grateful for all of the insights, for believing in me, and for my newfound belief that “yes, I can!”! I highly recommend working with Andy!

Lisa A., President & CEO, Intentional spaces, LLC

"If you're looking for a change in your life, I'd highly recommend Andy to be your guiding light."

When I started coaching with Andy, I felt stuck. I was going through the motions of daily life — frustrated that I wasn’t achieving my goals. Together we had some tough conversations about what I really want, what may be holding me back, and what I could do to make the leap to the next level.

Throughout the coaching process, Andy was always patient, kind, and asked the right questions to get me thinking. As a result of working with him, my relationships with myself and others have improved dramatically. If you’re looking for a change in your life, I’d highly recommend Andy to be your guiding light.

Corinn P., Entrepreneur

I feel like Andy has been a lifelong friend and supporter. I am super grateful to have Andy as part of my life's journey.

With a little over a month since completing my work with Andy, the results continue to present themselves more and more clearly. There are certain concepts and Andy-isms that I find myself referring back to on a daily basis and a lasting sense of pride in catching myself when falling back into old habits that he helped me acknowledge and address.

In the work we did together, I feel like Andy was truly able to understand me and helped me accept elements of who I am, my essence, that I had previously ignored. The result is a clearer sense of what I really want and need to be doing, and a calmer, more controlled sense of perspective in almost every aspect of my life. Obviously, I still have stressors and anxieties to contend with, but how I look at them and the time I spend indulging them are vastly improved after working with Andy.

Andy is a super empathetic listener and does a great job in providing the type of feedback that I needed to hear. He understands when to push a little, pull back a little, and always how to help ground me. He's helped me operate with less fear, much more self-compassion, and a greater sense of belief and possibility. Although we've only known each other for about a year, I feel like Andy has been a lifelong friend and supporter. I am super grateful to have Andy as part of my life's journey.

Rob S., Co-Founder, Ooze House of Music

"I feel like Andy just gave me the cheat-sheet to life!"

Akanimoh E., Health Food and Fashion Entrepreneur

Life Changing Coaches

"Working with Andy will transform your life."

Andy’s ability to truly see me was what I needed. He believed in me even when I didn’t. Working with Andy will transform your life. He really helped me dive deep and get to what is really getting in my way of creating a thriving business that I want.

Samantha V., Embodiment Coach

"I was immediately drawn to his wisdom and masterful ability to coach... Andy is the coach for you."

I had the great pleasure of meeting Andy in a mastermind group. I was immediately drawn to his wisdom and masterful ability to coach. I recently had the opportunity to participate in a group coaching program that he was offering and work with him privately. Andy has been able to provide me with a broader vision and guide me through my blind spots, as well as expand and work through fears that were holding me back. If you need to change abruptly or evolve gently, Andy is the coach for you. I’m genuinely grateful.

Laurice D., Life Coach-A Mindful Journey

"Working with Andy has had a very positive impact on my life and has, without question, been a worthwhile investment!"

Andy provided me a life changing opportunity to focus on living my best life and I am grateful for his expertise and insight. He masterfully guided me towards identifying the obstacles which stood in my way. And as a result of my work with him, I am more in control of my personal and professional life. He not only listens keenly, but he is able to provide the tools and resources needed to make significant positive change. I have been able to implement much needed structure in areas where it was lacking, and this is all due to his guidance and support. Working with Andy has had a very positive impact on my life and has, without question, been a worthwhile investment!

Saralyn I., LCSW and Coach

“Truly, truly one of the best decisions I have made is to work with Andy. I HIGHLY recommend him!”

Andy is awesome. He has helped me immensely! It seriously feels like Andy has an endless list of tools in his tool belt and can help in any situation. He always has something helpful, enlightening, and motivating to say. Every call we have had I have walked away from feeling inspired and motivated. Truly, truly one of the best decisions I have made is to work with Andy. I HIGHLY recommend him! 5 Stars

Gracia G., C.Ht, C.RTT Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist

"Andy is a MAGNIFICENT coach!!"

Andy is a MAGNIFICENT coach! He has the ability to help you get to the root of your biggest challenges. His insight provides the awareness and spark needed to create profound transformation in your life. Thanks so much Andy!!!

Caroline S., Yoga and Mindfulness Coach


"I’m grateful for Andy and I recommend him highly to anyone looking to take their life and work to the next level!"

Andy is an extremely kind and compassionate person. The insights I’ve gained from his coaching have helped me navigate some financial hurdles as well as improve my career / life balance. I’m grateful for Andy and I recommend him highly to anyone looking to take their life and work to the next level!

Edward P., International Opera Singer

Sales & Consulting

"My work with Andy was amazing and I never imagined I could feel as 'open' as I do today."

When I began my work with Andy I was overwhelmed by the many forces in my business and life. I felt as if I was being pulled in every direction and getting nowhere. In a very short time, Andy was able to help me see how I was living out of balance with my core values, which was causing a lot of dissonance within me. Once I was able to see my world through this new lens, my path forward became crystal clear.

Andy is kind-hearted, up-beat and full of empathy. He immediately puts you at ease and offers the ideal mixture of compassion and accountability. My work with Andy was amazing and I never imagined I could feel as free and “open” as I do today.

Scott W., Real Estate Investor

"One of the best decisions I've made was getting past my fear of being coached and allowing Andy to support me."

One of the best decisions I made was getting past my fear of being coached and allowing Andy to support me. From day one, he was very transparent that it would be work, and I had to be willing to be honest, trust the process, and invest fully. He challenged me to be my authentic self before we even started, and by doing so, allowed Andy to do what he does best-coach me to a level that I didn’t even know existed. I would recommend Andy to anyone!! Thank you, Andy!!

Justin B., Technology Business Consultant, TriNet

"Using a figurative mirror, he guides you to knowing that YOU have all the tools and potential needed to be successful."

I was always someone who didn’t think I needed a business/life coach. I thought there was a book, podcast or webinar I could watch and I’d get all the guidance that I needed. However, I was wrong! Years passed – and many mistakes later – I continued to trip over the same problems. Then I met Andy. I could tell he was different from the get go. He didn’t talk at all about himself or his business, he was more interested in me. He never asked for my business, yet was always available to listen and provide helpful guidance. That is the reason I decided to work with Andy. He is a genuine person who cares about your success. He takes his work seriously and isn’t a ‘yes’ man. Using a figurative mirror, he guides you to knowing that you have all the tools and potential needed to be successful. It has been a pleasure and a benefit working with Andy.

Matthew J., Task Insurance Group

Badass Humans

"Andy has an inspiring way about him that encourages you while you navigate through some of your toughest personal and professional challenges."

To say that Andy is an angel in disguise is an understatement. My life and business had all of a sudden taken a major turn and I felt like there was no way out.  He helped me rediscover the woman that I had lost somewhere along the way.  With his support I was able to regain my self-esteem, confidence, and self-reliance, as well as reach the goals I had set for myself. Andy has an inspiring way about him that encourages you while you navigate through some of your toughest personal and professional challenges. 

I have read many self improvement books and gone to therapy for years, which, of course, helped.  However, hiring Andy as my coach accelerated my growth and helped me become even more capable, confident and in control of my own future. 

Michelle M., CEO, Billing Specialist

"I have done a fair amount of therapy over the years, which was beneficial, but I did not get anywhere near the results as I have in my work with Andy."

I have done a fair amount of therapy over the years, which was beneficial, but I did not get anywhere near the results as I have in my work with Andy. Andy puts you at ease with his confidence and humor, and through his sincere kindness he creates a safe place for a lot of introspection and vulnerability. Through his coaching I was able to more clearly define my life values and goals, measure my progress, and see incredible, tangible results. He has a lot of helpful resources and brainstorming activities which will help YOU lead the session in the direction you want it to go in order to get the results you’re hoping for.  

I highly recommend his services to anyone who is motivated to improve their life, and to find more richness in the day-to-day.

Grace S., Nurse Practitioner

"I can promise you that I will never be the person that I was before being coached by Andy."

I lost both my parents, my marriage and my life as I’d known it all within a year. I could slap a smile on my face and appear to the world that I had overcome, but in all reality I hated the thought of tomorrow. I had heard of a life coach many times but never found myself in need of one until Andy was recommended to me. Hard questions, thought provoking concepts and self-evaluations were not appealing to me at first, until I learned to crave the freedom that they gave me. Each week, I had an assignment to stretch myself farther than I’d thought possible and was able to report back the following week of my terrific progress. Sometimes I wanted to quit but I kept my focus and heard the encouragement from Andy and knew, as he believed, I COULD DO THIS. I could regain my inner strength, I could learn to love and respect myself, I could walk tall and believe that I was more than a conqueror.

I can promise you that I will never be the person that I was before being coached by Andy. If you have even the slightest need for someone to coach you through a storm, you’ll recover well, if only you give Andy a chance to utilize his God given gifts to help you be an overcomer.

Teri G.

Andy Hite has had such a positive influence on my life. He is an inspirational, insightful and thought- provoking coach. (Google will only allow 5 stars) If I could give him 100 stars, I would. I highly recommend him!

Stacey F.